Winning music strategies

Music drives tangible results for businesses, and we’re obsessed with understanding that impact. Let's explore the power of music-led growth in action.

Winning music strategies

Music drives tangible results for businesses, and we’re obsessed with understanding that impact. Let's explore the power of music-led growth in action.

Professionally curated music drives measurable results


3.2x session times

1.6x D30 Retention

1.6x D30 retention

1.7X 90 day lift

1.7X D90 retention

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Life Fitness Customer Logo 523x316
Vaha Digital Fitness Company Logo
Technogym Digital Fitness Company Logo
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Top brands utilizing the unified music system

New Shadow Divider

Tuned for success:

Real stories of music-led ROI

Tuned for success:
Real stories of music-led ROI

235% lift in order conversion

when customers engaged with music


American Eagle Outfitters wanted to increase engagement during sessions, repeat usage, and conversion.


In just 60 days, AEO saw increases in all core KPIs among users that engaged with radio.

  • 216% increase in session times.
  • 144% Day 30 retention.
  • 235% order conversion lift.

10x increased session times

when customers engaged with music


The Golden State Warriors wanted to increase fan engagement during playoffs, develop a rich partner experience for JBL/Harman, and gain insights into fan music preferences.


  • 81% improvement in session time through music optimization.
  • Millions of brand impressions for JBL partnership.

2.5x D90 retention

when customers engaged with music


As Sworkit's customer base grew—ranging from children at school to corporate wellness programs and healthcare providers—they needed a way to offer music that was appropriate to the audience and the chosen workout. 


  • 2.5x increase in 90-day retention when customers listen to music.
  • Custom curated mixes of upbeat music carefully filtered to block any songs with inappropriate language or themes.

Read the full case study

80% improvement in session times

when customers engaged with music


Conqur Endurance Group wanted to increase session times and engagement leading up to the LA Marathon.


Over 10x session times when users engaged with music.

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We focus on legal, simple music integrations so that you don’t have to.

From expert curation to easy integration, offers a the most comprehensive unified music system for digital businesses—complete with full indemnification.

That means your team spends less time worrying about music licensing and compliance, and more time working on your core product.

  • Pre-cleared music 
  • Data-driven music curation
  • Music content management system
  • Music API and SDKs with built-in music player and automated compliance engine
  • Real-time analytics

Get the music your customers want & the results your business needs

Don't waste time and money trying to figure out music licensing for your business. Talk to a music consultant today to get fast access to the leading unified music system.

Book a consultation